Frequently asked questions

Are your rights materials available in languages other than English?

Yes! Our pamphlet, wallet card, and video captions have been translated into eight of the most common languages other than English that are spoken in BC.

For languages we currently don’t serve, see this blog post for some measures you can consider.

Are your rights materials available in large print?

Not at the moment. We have made all of the materials available electronically so that readers can zoom in to enlarge the text on desktop computers and tablets. We have also provided the text so that it can be read by a screen reader.

Do you have materials to help children, youth, and families understand their Mental Health Act rights?

We don’t have youth-specific rights information on this site, but BC Children’s Hospital created an interactive video to explain the Mental Health Act and patients’ rights to youth and families. You’ll also find other rights-related resources in links below the video.

I’m a person with lived experience. Where can I find a print copy of your rights materials?

If you get services from a hospital or mental health team, ask the staff for a copy of the pamphlet or card. If they don’t have any, direct them to this site and suggest that they order some. Feel free to contact us and tell us which hospital or mental health team you’ve talked to about carrying the materials so that we can reach out to them. We are happy to give them information about why these materials were developed and how staff could use them in clinical settings.

Right now we don’t have the budget or capacity to send out print materials to individuals, but we hope to work with health authorities, community groups, clubhouses, and libraries to reach as many people as we can. Contact us to let us know where we could be doing more outreach.