Highlights from the Mental Health Review Board’s 2017–2018 annual report

The Mental Health Review Board conducts review panel hearings that decide if someone who is an involuntary patient should continue to be certified. (Our rights materials have some information about how involuntary patients can apply for a review panel hearing and what a hearing may involve.)

This past year, the Mental Health Review Board moved from the Ministry of Health to the Ministry of the Attorney General. Under the Ministry of Health, the board hadn’t been regularly reporting on its activities (See Operating in Darkness, p. 18). Now, under the Ministry of the Attorney General, the Mental Health Review Board is subject to the Administrative Tribunals Act, which requires that the board publish an annual report. In June, the Mental Health Review Board issued its 2017–2018 report, giving the public a glimpse into its operations for the first time in years.

Cover of the Mental Health Review Board Annual Report from 2017 to 2018

The report is only 19 pages long, so it’s not too onerous to read, but here are a few highlights: Continue reading “Highlights from the Mental Health Review Board’s 2017–2018 annual report”